Cyber Attacks: How To Avoid?

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to organizations in general. According to Forrester Research, 42% of companies that have experienced an a...

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to organizations in general. According to Forrester Research, 42% of companies that have experienced an attack said it was the result of exploited software.

Thus, prevention is the best way to contain the damage of an attack and, above all, to avoid being a victim of one.

Therefore, we have organized the main precautionary measures against cyber attacks. They can be adopted individually or collectively and are encouraged by information security experts such as Norton and Fortinet.

Have an information security program

An information security program is a set of practices that the organization implements to protect its data from cyber attacks.

Establishing a timeline of key preventative procedures and aligning the team with cyber-attack detection and mitigation expertise is the first step in improving security and helping members gain a thorough understanding of the infrastructure.

With consistency, the program gains experience and can start to adopt advanced procedures such as, for example, risk assessment, vulnerability monitoring, and attack mitigation.

Now that you know the benefits of adopting an information security program, check out the simple measures and devices needed to start the project:

Take preventive security measures

Research by Veracode indicates that 76% of software applications have vulnerabilities. That is, the system needs constant vigilance to avoid cyber attacks.

The main security procedures that ordinary users and members of large corporations should adopt are:

  • Avoid clicking on links or attachments of dubious origin

  • Preserve your identity by not sharing passwords

  • Back up your data regularly

  • Keep all software on your computer up to date.

  • Give preference to browse secure sites (which start with HTTPS)

  • Be careful what information you share on your profile and social media, and be mindful of the sites you sign up to.

These are practical attitudes that we can implement in everyday life. Comprehensive preventive measures require efficient systems and strict standards. In this sense, check out the main protection apparatus against cyberattacks:


According to Norton, antivirus does not prevent all types of cyber attacks and is still an asset to prevent them. A computer has vulnerabilities that can be exploited by external systems as an access point for an attack. 

Thus, even the most harmless intrusion exploits a vulnerability by leaving traces that the computer has been infiltrated, opening the door to worse attacks.

Antivirus blocks suspicious access to the system and fights threats against data, networks, other computers, or those seeking to maintain remote control of the system.


The firewall, on the other hand, is designed to protect the network by blocking all bad traffic (possible cyber attacks) and allowing “friendly traffic” to flow. 

A firewalled system analyzes network traffic based on rules. That way, it only accepts the incoming connections that its settings allow. So we can compare it to a traffic guard at your computer's entry point or port.  

Encrypted passwords 

Encryption preserves sensitive data by converting it into unreadable information for unwanted people. The user, for example, is faced with this method during password registration when the system establishes criteria such as:

  • Minimum of 8 characters

  • At least one capital letter

  • At least one lowercase letter

  • At least one special character

The systems set strict standards because both nature and humans don't like to waste energy. There are records of people using passwords that appear to be secure because they are actually obvious, such as the standard sequence of numbers (1234…), date of birth, etc.

Passwords like this can be cracked by hackers. If the user is not in the habit of creating a different password for each site, the chances of a cyber attack increase.

Hire professionals trained in cyber defense

Information security procedures are only as unique as the organizations that need them. Thus, cybersecurity professionals gain more and more importance. Companies that invest in cyber defense are less likely to have their data hijacked by criminals.

Thus, companies gain the trust of their customers, which makes the investment in information security have great returns.

Therefore, we can conclude that a trained professional and preventive measures are an efficient combination to guarantee the security of a corporation from cyber attacks.



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Cyber Attacks: How To Avoid?
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